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TVP Kultura


Ósma emisja koncertu z foyer Teatru im. Gombrowicza odbędzie się na antenie TVP Kultura 30 września o godzinie 3.50.



Recenzja Headache – Ransom Note

„There are several things that can be accomplished in nine minutes. You could make and drink a cup of tea, albeit not a very well brewed one and you’re likely to burn your tongue, or attempt to exercise, and fall over in a heap and just about recover, or you could listen to a song filled with guitars so scuzzy that they look like they’ve just been out on the town with Pete Doherty.


Piosenki z albumu Headache były emitowane przez cały kwiecień i maj przez Lee Adcock, Marka Whitby’ego oraz Pete’a Jacksona z Radia Dandelion.