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The Guardian / Manfred Goldberg

Some time ago, I informed you about an important article in The Guardian concerning tens of thousands of shoes rotting in the forest near the Stutthof concentration camp museum. Kate Connolly wrote a report on this scandalous situation. After the publication of the text, Kate and I had a Zoom conversation with Manfred Goldberg, a man who was a prisoner in this camp and who saw the piles of shoes with his own eyes.

The Guardian Weekly

The excellent text by Kate Connolly about abandoned shoes in Sztutowo also appeared in the Guardian Weekly magazine, which publishes a selection of the most interesting and important texts from this journal. The author of the following photos is Bartosz Bańka.


In Poland, History, Politics and Memory Remain Deeply and Painfully Intertwined. A visit to Jewish and cultural sites across Poland reveals a country looking to move on from eight years of populist rule that turned the Holocaust into a political minefield.


At the foot of a pine tree, Grzegorz Kwiatkowski bent to touch the black, moist shapes nestling amid the fungi and leaf mulch. “I’ve been monitoring this area now since 2015, and always hope I won’t stumble upon anything any more and that one day the entire area will have been cleared,” he said. This, however, was not that day.

University of Minnesota

On April 17th, the University of Minnesota will host ‘Resilience Through Verse: Narrative Reflections of Trauma Through Poetry’. The event will feature Grzegorz Kwiatkowski and Jephta Nguherimo as guests, with moderation by Michael Winikoff.