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Ohne Orchester – Signaturen Magazine

Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, der 1984 geborene polnische Lyriker und Musiker der psychedelischen Post-Punk-Band „Trupa Trupa“, veröffentlicht im August 2024 in der Kölner parasitenpresse seinen zweiten Gedichtband „ohne Orchester“. Nur vierzehn Monate liegen zwischen dieser und seiner ersten Veröffentlichung im Kölner Verlag, seinem deutschen Debüt „brennend“ (Juni 2023).

Berliner Zeitung

Psych-Rock-Trip nach Polen: Die Danziger Band Trupa Trupa spielt ihr Berlin-Konzert im Badehaus. Iggy Pop ist einer ihrer Fans. Nun haben sie mit einem Nick-Cave-Produzenten gearbeitet. Trupa Trupa sind weltoffene Rock-Botschafter ihrer Heimat Polen. Nichts wie hin!


Today, Kwiatkowski is making his debut as a cultural commentator on Canadian radio CBC. After 4:00 PM Polish time, he will be a guest on the program Commotion, where he will share his thoughts on the tragic and absurd events in Slovakia, where the Minister of Culture is dismantling Slovak culture through personnel purges and dismissals.

Ohne Orchester

Grzegorz Kwiatkowski’s second book in German, titled “Ohne Orchester,” has just been published, translated by Professor Peter Constantine and released by Parasitenpresse.

Ohne Orchester

On August 28th, Grzegorz Kwiatkowski’s second German book, titled “Ohne Orchester,” will be published by Parasitenpresse. The book was translated by Professor Peter Constantine. The premiere will take place at the European Elk Festival in Cologne. The premiere will be accompanied by an author meeting and a concert by Trupa Trupa.

Jeff VanderMeer

This is the cover of a new novel by the great American writer Jeff VanderMeer (you might know the film adaptation of his book “Annihilation” starring Natalie Portman).

The Guardian / Manfred Goldberg

Some time ago, I informed you about an important article in The Guardian concerning tens of thousands of shoes rotting in the forest near the Stutthof concentration camp museum. Kate Connolly wrote a report on this scandalous situation. After the publication of the text, Kate and I had a Zoom conversation with Manfred Goldberg, a man who was a prisoner in this camp and who saw the piles of shoes with his own eyes.