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Tears for Fears’ Songs From the Big Chair Turns 35: Musicians Reflect on ’80s Pop Favorite.

Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, Lead vocalist and guitarist, Trupa Trupa

“A very powerful and very visionary album. In some way, it sounds like a mix of psychoanalytic Ingmar Bergman movies like Persona and books such as Trial by Kafka or 1984 by Orwell. Maybe I am wrong but I can feel modern fears in this Big Chair air. Such as: global financial forces are fighting with individuality and freedom. This album is full of paradoxes. It’s both pessimistic and scary and on the other hand it is very calm, almost romantic. At some points, it has some philosophical and existential kind of lyrics. Phrases like: And I believe, no I can’t believe / That every time you hear a newborn scream / You just can’t see the shaping of a life / The shaping of a life” are a real poetry. It’s just great writing and great work of art.”

Ron Hart,


Kim byłby Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, gdyby nie został poetą i muzykiem, członkiem zespołu Trupa Trupa?

Który artysta wywarł na ciebie największy wpływ?

W dziedzinie muzycznej – Glenn Gould. W dziedzinie literackiej – Czesław Miłosz łamany na Thomasa Manna i Thomasa Bernharda.

Bez czego nie wyobrażasz sobie pracy twórczej? Jakie rytuały towarzyszą ci w pracy?

Rozmowa z No-Wave

We look from one angle, but remember from many. Join the ever-generous Trupa Trupa frontman, Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, to dig through the crates of time in the wake of the release of the band’s EP, I’ll Find.

David Fricke o EP – SiriusXM

I want to play something brand new – this is a group that I’ve featured on the show a number of times. They have a new EP, they are from Gdansk, Poland. Trupa Trupa – I’ve described them as a contemporary edition of Radiohead in some ways, very progressive, also very political. They come from a country that has been going through many of the same issues of polarity and racism and just people not coming together the way they should and this is a band that speaks out about it very eloquently and profoundly. This is Trupa Trupa, the EP is called ‘I’ll Find’. It’s out this week and this is the opening track “End of the line”.

I’ll find

Dzisiaj premiera płyty EP “I’ll find”. Mini album ukazał się w ramach międzynarodowej kooperacji Glitterbeat Records (Europa), Lovitt Records (USA), Moorworks (Japonia) i Anteny Krzyku (Polska). 

Full Moon Magazine / EP

Trupa Trupa = postpunk, psychedelie, posthardcore, shoegaze, no wave a víc. Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, Tomek Pawluczuk, Wojtek Juchniewicz, Rafal Wojczal, první kapela z někdejšího východního bloku podepsaná legendárními Sub Pop Records, pod kterými vydali loňskou řadovku Of the Sun. Na tu navazují také aktuálním EP nazvaným I’ll Find.

Minialbum, které dále upevňuje pověst kapely jako jednoho ze stále aktuálních a silných hlasů na globální psychedelické scéně, přináší čtveřici nových, kaleidoskopických songů, lyričtějších, než kdy dřív. Texty i atmosféra alba jsou inspirovány filmem Fitzcarraldo od kultovního režiséra Wernera Herzoga, stejně jako temnou knihou Heart of Darkness od Josepha Conrada (původním jménem Konrad Korzeniowski).

The Ongoing History of Protest Music – 40 Best Protest Albums of 2019

As we approach the end of 2019 it is now a good time to look back on some of the notable protest albums released during the year. The albums are listed alphabetical order. Hopefully, you’ll be introduced to some new socially conscious music.

The fifth album by the Polish alt-rock band taps into the historical trauma and genocide experienced by Polish Jews at the hands of Nazi Germany. It addresses Holocaust deniers and sadly the song’s anti-fascists sentiments still apply to the present.

London Calling Festival

Post-hardcore, shoegaze, postpunk, indiepop: Trupa Trupa brengt al deze stijlen onder in een krachtig en schitterend eigen geluid. Het meest recente album van de experimentele indierockband uit Gdańsk werd lovend ontvangen door The Quietus en Pitchfork, maar ook voor eerdere studioalbums kon Trupa Trupa rekenen op prachtige recensies en werden zelfs vergelijkingen met bands als Mercury Rev, My Bloody Valentine, Syd Barrett en Can gemaakt. Of, zoals The Quietus schrijft: “Trupa Trupa’s Of The Sun takes apparently simple songs and brutally smashes them up”.

Whited Sepulchre Records / Suspirians

Nakładem amerykańskiej wytwórni Whited Sepulchre Records ukazała się split kaseta z gwiazdami teksańskiej alternatywy Suspirians.

We may never know the source of the cosmic winds that blew these two bands in the same orbit, but to have the Gdansk, Poland based TRUPA TRUPA and the Austin, TX based Suspirians sharing the same cassette is really, really magickal.

Roaring out of the gate in 2015 with their album Headache on X-Ray Records, critics fawned over TRUPA TRUPA’s no-frills Kraut rock and aggressive sense of motorik timing. Their subsequent albums landed them on best-of from Rolling Stone, Pitchfork and The Wire. “I’ll find” started as a track meant for their new album “Of the Sun” but ended up as a 22 minute stand alone piece, after some judicious editing, we present “I’ll find” in its leanest and most potent form.