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Spotkanie wokół książki Crops – Uniwersytet Kalifornijski w Berkeley

Uniwersytet Kalifornijski w Berkeley serdecznie zaprasza na wydarzenie:

“Crops”: Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, Polish poet and musician, in conversation with Jenny Browne, 2017-18 Poet Laureate of the State of Texas

The Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies at UC Berkeley invites you to a conversation about the poetry of Grzegorz Kwiatkowski and his latest book ‘Crops’, published by Rain Taxi. Kwiatkowski and Browne will read from their respective works and discuss the history that informs these poems, as well as the role poetry can play in offering testimony and hope in our troubled world.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w piątek, 21 stycznia o godzinie 21.00 polskiego czasu.
