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Kategoria: Trupa Trupa

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Rhytm for Refugees

Grzegorz Kwiatkowski będzie gościem festiwalu Rhytm for Refugees. Transmisja jutro około godziny 21.00.

„Grzegorz Kwiatkowski – poet and musician living in Gdansk; songwriter, vocalist, and guitarist in the intriguing Trupa Trupa band. He has published seven books of poetry, his poems have been translated into English and German, and appeared in many influential literary magazines.

Rzeczpospolita o Trupie Trupa

„Odnosząca na świecie sukcesy polska formacja 15 grudnia zaprezentuje się online na pandemicznym OFF Festivalu / OFF Clubie w walcowni cynku w Katowicach. Sumuje też tegoroczne sukcesy.

Nowojorski “Rock and Roll Globe” dowodzony przez Rona Harta (znanego również z „Billboardu” i „Spina”) promuje kolejny wideoklip do piosenki “Invisible Door” z epki “I’ll find” wydanej w tym roku przez Lovitt Records (USA), Glitterbeat Records (Europa), Moorworks (Japonia) oraz w Polsce przez Antenę Krzyku.

Spotkanie w Jewish Theological Seminary

Grzegorz Kwiatkowski będzie gościem nowojorskiego Jewish Theological Seminary gdzie porozmawia z doktorem Davidem Kraemerem o sztuce walczącej z nienawiścią.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 1:00 p.m. ET

JTS Library Director Dr. David Kraemer will speak to Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, a critically acclaimed Polish poet and rock musician who speaks out against Holocaust denial, genocide, and the rise of right-wing nationalism in Poland.

Kwiatkowski’s poems explore not only the conflicted pasts of Central and South-Eastern Europe, but also the paradoxes of contemporary genocides, such as that in Rwanda.

As the poet explains, “I’m intrigued by the combination of ethics and aesthetics in one person, one life, one story.” His minimalist poems have been perceived as quasi-testimonies, “full of passion, terror and disgust,” provocative and lyrical utterances delivered on behalf of the murdered and the dead.

In the words of The Times of Israel, “Polish post-punk band [Trupa Trupa] rages against populism, hatred, and Holocaust denial.” Further, “Trupa Trupa vocalist and songwriter, Grzegorz Kwiatkowski — shaped by his ancestors’ imprisonment at Stutthof concentration camp—speaks truth to power through punk poetry.”