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Die Welt

Die polnische Band Trupa Trupa kommt auf Deutschland-Tour und verströmt in ihrer Musik eine rastlose Energie, die an das kompromisslose Punk-Ethos von Fugazi erinnert. Ein Gespräch mit dem Sänger Grzegorz Kwiatkowski über seine Gedichte, seine Musik und den Pessimismus in der Welt.

Times of Israel – the forgotten ghetto in the heart of Gdansk

During World War II, Granary Island in the Polish port city of Gdansk was the site of a Jewish ghetto. Imprisonment in the Red Mouse granary was the last stop for thousands of people before they were transported to concentration camps in Stutthoff, Auschwitz and Treblinka. The building no longer exists. The place of death, suffering, and humiliation is now an empty square.

Relacja z premiery Joies

Relacja z premiery francuskiej książki “Joies” wydanej przez La rumeur libre éditions i przetłumaczonej przez profesora Zbigniewa Naliwajka. Spotkanie odbyło się w Paryżu w Maison de la Poésie – Scène littéraire i wzięli w nim udział: Audrey Kichelewski, Claude Mouchard, Mateusz Ch i Métayer Guillaume.

Wywiad na łamach World Literature Today: Uncovering Buried Historical Memory: A Conversation with Grzegorz Kwiatkowski

Grzegorz Kwiatkowski is a new and dynamic poetic voice from Poland, with six volumes of poetry and several translations on the way, as well as the vocalist of the psychedelic postpunk band Trupa Trupa. His newest collection, Crops, translated into English by Peter Constantine, was published by Rain Taxi in November 2021. In this interview, Constantine and Kwiatkowski discuss the themes of his poetry and his endeavors as a musician and activist.

Sangam and Agora

W sobotę, 13 sierpnia odbędzie się trzecia odsłona wydarzenia Sangam and Agora – Forum of Poets, Scholars, and Autodidacts. Grzegorz Kwiatkowski wraz z profesorem UCLA Vinayem Lalem będą gościć poetkę laureatkę San Francisco Kim Shuck, muzyka i profesora Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego Paula Lodge’a oraz małżeństwo naukowców i filmowców – Dr. Anjali Monteiro i Dr. K.P. Jayasankara.

Sangam and Agora

16 lipca odbędzie się druga odsłona wydarzenia Sangam and Agora – Forum of Poets, Scholars, and Autodidacts. Grzegorz Kwiatkowski wraz z profesorem UCLA Vinayem Lalem będą gościć Henry’ego C. Theriault, Davida Garyana, Betty Govinden oraz Bongani Kona.

Recenzja koncertu w Minneapolis – Twin Cities Media

„If you’re looking for somebody to adequately explain to you what Trupa Trupa does, I’m not that person. All I can do is try to provide some impressions because I really don’t have anything to compare it with. It’s bits and pieces. It seems chaotic but you always feel a structure. It can be aggressive. It can float and dream. It can do both in the same song. There really aren’t any rules going on here. It’s kind of like trying to define what Syd Barrett was doing with Pink Floyd before he went off the deep end.