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SXSW / Chicago Tribune

Greg Kot z Chicago Tribune uznał występ Trupy Trupa za jeden z 12 najlepszych koncertów tegorocznej edycji festiwali SXSW!

„Trupa Trupa: Gdansk, Poland’s Trupa Trupa first made an impact in America last year at South by Southwest, and the quartet returned this year to debut songs from a forthcoming album on Sub Pop. The band dedicated its performance to Gdansk Mayor Pawel Adamowicz, an ally and friend who was recently murdered. “These are new radical, dark, anti-hate-speech songs,” singer Grzegorz Kwiatkowski said by way of introduction, as good a way as any to describe the band’s stark aesthetic. The lyrics were often snippets, phrases, designed to provoke rather than soothe, hint rather resolve: “I dream about no one, no way, no one,” “I’ve got nothing to hide, I will just disappear.” The minimalist constructions prized dynamics and drone over melody and often built hypnotic force.”
