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Rejsy / Dziennik Bałtycki

Pandemia w Polsce, na świecie. To jest czas dla poetów?

– To, co się dzieje jest oczywiście straszne, a jednocześnie to moment inspirujący ponieważ dotyczy przewartościowania. Z drugiej strony, w sensie egzystencjalnym to prostu norma.


– Rzeczywiście, więcej ludzi umiera, ale śmierć w immanentnej, potężnej formie jest obecna zawsze. Sedno tkwi, moim zdaniem, w tej społecznej kwarantannie, przez którą nasz czas zwolnił, a wręcz się zatrzymał. Do wielu ludzi dotarło, że jednak jesteśmy śmiertelni. Zapanowało coś, co często jest tematem literatury, czyli memento mori. Hans Castorp został niespodziewanie wtrącony do Czarodziejskiej góry i musi postawić sobie wiele pytań. Zatem, potencjalnie, jest to sytuacja również pozytywna.

His band is taking the world by storm. But who would Grzegorz Kwiatkowski be if he weren’t a musician? Filip Lech asks the Trupa Trupa frontman 10 quick-fire questions.

Billboard – Depeche Mode’s ‘Violator’ at 30: Artists Share How It Impacted Them

In honor of Violator turning 30 on March 19, Billboard spoke with a slew of recording artists from all across the world to take their temperature on Depeche Mode’s goth-blues maneuvers of 1990 inspiring their listening habits and helping shape the sound of music for future generations. Here’s what they had to say.

Wywiad na łamach Jersey Beat

Like the work of legendary artist Zdzislaw Beksinski, the music of Gdansk, Poland’s Trupa Trupa is dreamlike, haunting, and stirring. The four-piece has a unique sound, but the messages behind its work are larger than art. Guitarist and vocalist Grzegorz Kwiatkowski daringly addresses topics such as Holocaust denial in his work, as he has numerous personal connections to the worst atrocity in man’s history. Kwiatkowski was kind enough to answer a few questions for me about his band, the state of music and politics, and how each individual can participate in rejecting global ignorance and hate. It was an honor to speak with him, if only via email, and Trupa Trupa is a band to celebrate, both for the originality of their sound and the critical nature of their words.

Recenzja EP – The Register-Guard – Best new 2020 releases for the first few weeks of isolation

As with many releases from the Gdansk, Poland, band that was supposed to appear at Austin’s SXSW, a gentle, urging melody swirls around a lyrical message, laid bare by haunting new video that echoes the band’s theme: radical, dark, anti-hate-speech songs. The lyrics are often only snippets, phrases, designed to provoke rather than soothe, hint rather than resolve. As we can see now how easy it is for a snowman to melt.

Matthew Denis,


Tears for Fears’ Songs From the Big Chair Turns 35: Musicians Reflect on ’80s Pop Favorite.

Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, Lead vocalist and guitarist, Trupa Trupa

“A very powerful and very visionary album. In some way, it sounds like a mix of psychoanalytic Ingmar Bergman movies like Persona and books such as Trial by Kafka or 1984 by Orwell. Maybe I am wrong but I can feel modern fears in this Big Chair air. Such as: global financial forces are fighting with individuality and freedom. This album is full of paradoxes. It’s both pessimistic and scary and on the other hand it is very calm, almost romantic. At some points, it has some philosophical and existential kind of lyrics. Phrases like: And I believe, no I can’t believe / That every time you hear a newborn scream / You just can’t see the shaping of a life / The shaping of a life” are a real poetry. It’s just great writing and great work of art.”

Ron Hart,

How the Coronavirus Pandemic Is Crippling the Entertainment Industry – Consequence of Sound

Given that Europe is now the epicenter of the pandemic, European bands—like Poland’s psych-rock group Trupa Trupa—have also been heavily affected. “On March 10, Trupa Trupa was supposed to play a big show in Warsaw with Mura Masa,” says the band’s lead vocalist, Grzegorz Kwiatkowski in an email. “We packed our equipment and started to drive from Gdansk to the capital, and just 10 minutes later we had information from Live Nation that this show is canceled because of the government’s new coronavirus policy. So we stopped our van and returned home.”

Recenzja EP – Skug

„Soeben ist die neue 4-Song-EP von Trupa Trupa erschienen. Erst im September 2019 hatte das Danziger Quartett sein fünftes Album »Of The Sun« veröffentlicht. Diesmal breiten sich die psychedelischen Atmosphären weitaus weniger beatbetont rockig als auf Album-Tracks wie »Longing« aus. Was ja tendenziell in Richtung Unendlichkeit weist, wird in maximal vierminütigen Songs konzentriert: mal meditativ repetitiv, mal krautrockig explorativ. Dafür die Genrehülse »Post Rock« zu bemühen, wäre Unsinn. Schöpft diese Musik ihre Inspirationen doch aus bis zu 45 Jahre alten Strömungen. »Fitzcarraldo« kann als eine aus der Zeit gefallene Hommage an die Stimmungen, die Werner Herzogs Soundtüftler Popol Vuh erzeugten, gehört werden. »Invisible Door« lenkt die Wahrnehmung zwar nicht »auf die andere Seite«; aber mit Rafał Wojczals Stimme weht ein Hauch von Neil Young (ca. 1974) den winterlichen Restlurch hinfort. Freut euch, der Frühling hat im Hier und Jetzt begonnen.”

Peter Kaiser,


Kim byłby Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, gdyby nie został poetą i muzykiem, członkiem zespołu Trupa Trupa?

Który artysta wywarł na ciebie największy wpływ?

W dziedzinie muzycznej – Glenn Gould. W dziedzinie literackiej – Czesław Miłosz łamany na Thomasa Manna i Thomasa Bernharda.

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